- Court/Forensic Evaluations and Consultations: Juvenile and adult
forensic evaluations including:
Competency to Stand Trial
Mental State at Time of the Offense
Capitol Sentencing evaluations
Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity
- Court-Mandated Treatment: Substance abuse evaluations (drug screens and breathalyzers available), security clearances, competent to work, fitness for duty and child custody evaluations.
- Psychological Evaluations: Full psychological evaluations with or without academic testing, including ADHD testing, diagnostic clarification, treatment planning and procuring academic accommodations.
- Brief Mental Health Screenings: Often used during treatment to evaluate treatment efficacy, growth and address treatment barriers. Screenings frequently include a mental status examination, assessment of current functioning, diagnostic clarification, treatment review and progress, and helps identify future treatment goals.
- Guardianship Evaluations: Determines if an individual can make comprehensive decisions, exhibit consistent judgment, independently function, manage day-to-day activities and responsibilities, and understand choices when making medical and financial decisions.
- Bariatric Surgery Evaluations: A routine part of preparation for surgery, the evaluation identifies personal strengths, motivation and comprehension of the surgical process; evaluates pre- and postsurgical risk factors to enhance rehabilitative success.
- Vocational/Career Screenings: Assesses vocational interests, strengths and abilities to evaluate how current problems may impact career goals. Screening can identify possible college majors, coursework and extracurricular activities to enhance the student's foresight into future career interests.
- Emergency Crisis Evaluations: Assesses acute risk factors and evaluates the need for higher levels of care such as inpatient hospitalizations, residential placements, screenings for Partial Hospitalization Programs/Day Treatment programs, and to establish immediate treatment goals.
- Educational Evaluations: Assesses academic and socioemotional factors impacting a student's academic performance.
Evaluations assess learning disabilities, inclusion into gifted/talented programs, and speech and language and sensory processing problems. Review of educational accommodations including Individualized Education Plans (IEPs), 504 Plans, report cards and collateral contact with schools is included. Potential for further educational advocacies and accommodations is included. - Disability Evaluations: Evaluates the individual's eligibility for Social Security Disability entitlements. Record reviews, mental status examinations, identification of future treatment needs and evaluating the potential for a payee representative is included.
Dr. Ford acts as a consultant and mental health advocate to patients and their families to ensure the individual is receiving appropriate services, accommodations, treatments and entitlements. Routine consultations with educational institutions, mental health facilities, and legal/forensic experts are included.
Psychotherapeutic Services
Working with a clinician one-on-one in individual psychotherapy can often be the first catalyst in generating positive change and real growth. Although many people benefit from relying on individual treatment, establishing collateral contact with friends and family can further enhance short-term gains and sustain long-term growth. Joint psychotherapy sessions with collateral support can be incorporated into individual treatment when appropriate and clinically recommended.
Dr. Ford provides services for all ages and populations including:
- Infants
- Children
- Adolescents
- Young Adults
- Adults
- Geriatric and Elderly